Sunday 8 May 2011

Cauliflower Dry Curry Recipe

Cauliflower - 1, small
Peas - 1/2 cup, shelled
Coriander Leaves - 2 tblsp, chopped
Coconut - 2 tblsp, grated
Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp (optional)
Chilli Powder - 1/2 tsp (optional)

For Seasoning:
Oil - 2 tblsp
Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp (optional)
Asafoetida - 1/4 tsp
Green Chillies - 2, minced
Curry Leaves - 2 sprigs
Salt to taste

1. Wash and break cauliflower into very small sprigs.
2. Heat oil, add mustard seeds, cumin seeds and asafoetida.
3. When done, add the green chillies and curry leaves.
4. Stir fry, add cauliflower along with turmeric and chili powder.
5. Fry for 1 to 2 minutes longer.
6. Add peas, salt, sprinkle some water, half of the corinder leaves and cook on low
    heat till done.
7. Add grated coconut, rest of the coriander leaves and mix.
8. Remove from fire and Serve hot with rice.