Friday 20 April 2012

Fried Chicken Legs

6 Chicken Legs
2 Tablespoons Salt
2 Teaspoon Black Pepper
1 Egg
200 gms. of Fine Bread Crumbs
500 gms.oil

1. Mix chicken legs with the salt & pepper and leave for 20 minutes.
2. After 20 minutes put on the legs in steaming pan and steam for 30 minutes until cooked.
3. Take it of the steam leave it to cool, dry it with kitchen paper.
4. We will deep fry these legs, the best option is a deep fryer, but failing that a pan of oil will do.
5. Switch the fryer on at 170 degrees Celsius, (medium).
6. Break the egg and mix it, dip the chicken legs in the egg to coat them all over.
7. Dip the legs in the bread powder in the plastic bag and put chicken leg inside the bag, shake it until the crumbs stick to the chicken.
8. Deep fry them for 5 minutes until the crumbs are golden and brown.

Serve With
Vegetable salads
Sweet chilli sauce