Saturday 9 June 2012

Prawns with coconut and mustard paste

Prawns- 8 jumbo

1 ½  tbspn mustard
1 ½  tbspn poppy seeds
1 green chilly
Grated Coconut- 1 tbspn
Mustard oil- 1 tbspn
Turmeric powder

Make the mustard- poppy paste with green chilly n salt. Mix it with prawn , marinade. Mix grated coconut and mustard oil.  Cover it and put it in microwave for 10-15 minutes. Serve hot with steamed rice
Be careful not to overcook it, otherwise the prawns will get hard, and we don’t want that.

Making the Mustard paste:  Make a paste of mustard seeds, poppy seeds, green chillies, salt and water. Adding the salt and chillies will avoid the mustard paste to get bitter.